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The initial sighting of our whale |
On the 17th
July 2014 a dog walker reported a dead whale that had washed up on the beach. Having experienced reports of a killer whale
the year before, which actually turned out to be a habour porpoise, we weren’t
really expecting to find what we did.
In fact an
8.3m whale, which at this point believe to be a minke whale, had kicked the
bucket and landed on our beach.
WDCS/Lucy Molleson |
Minke whales
are the smallest of the baleen whales although still reaching a maximum of 9m. They
feed by opening their mouths as they swim engulfing large amounts of water
along with their food. When the mouth is
closed the water is pushed out through their baleen plates. As they have a
relatively short baleen as well as krill and small fish, they can also catch
larger fish such as cod and haddock.
For these
reasons they are often seen in British waters where food is readily available
to them. Whilst many dead whales will
just sink to the bottom of the sea, the high tides and heavy winds might have
caused this one to become washed up.
The water table in the first burial was so high it made burying it a hard task. |
So what do
you do with a dead whale?
First port of
call was the UK Cetacean Stranding Investigation Programme funded by DEFRA. They collate a range of information such as the
date and location, along with the species, gender, length and condition of the
animal. All this data can go on to give
the bigger picture of what is happening in the wider environment and gives a
general indication of the health of cetacean populations.
everything recorded we had to decide what to do with it. Many different organisations were contacted
and through this networking a plan of action was made. We were going to bury it.
So on the 25th
July, just 8 days after it appeared, Stinky (as we have affectionately called
it) was first shot and then cut open to release any gases, DNA samples taken and
finally the carcass was buried using a large mechanical digger. A post was placed in the ground marking the
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The high tides have brought Stinky to the surface once again, but this time it's on the move |
Jump forward
to Monday 11th August and we experience further high tides and heavy
winds and… Stinky is back from the grave!
Every high tide sees Stinky move a little further down the beach towards
the main family area and all we can do for now is watch. As the tides begin to retreat we then fence
the area off again and set a plan to rebury.
Second times a charm (hopefully!) |
this time around the whale has come further towards the dunes where the water
table is higher and the grave can be dug deeper as the sides are less likely to
cave in. So for the second time, we have
a moments silence and hope that Stinky our Minke is finally laid to rest.
Bob watches as the chances of a smelly roll about, slip through his paws |
The many dogs that visit our beach can now run free with owners knowing they are not heading straight for the whiff of death and the joy of a smelly roll! Sorry pups!